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发布日期:2024-05-24 10:20    点击次数:159
“青山一皆同云雨,明月何曾是两乡”。山东与日本眉睫之内,隔海相望,从泰山到富士山,从黄海到日本海,千年东方文雅卓越山海和洽互鉴;海运船舶劈波斩浪,经贸往讲和往,书写合营共赢时期篇章。而这个春天,在东京举办的2024“孔子梓乡—好客山东 好品山东”推介会,则是皆鲁地面的至心之举,是一场汜博的文旅邀约。 “The green mountains are sharing the same cloud and rain, yet the bright moon shall not deter us f...

  “青山一皆同云雨,明月何曾是两乡”。山东与日本眉睫之内,隔海相望,从泰山到富士山,从黄海到日本海,千年东方文雅卓越山海和洽互鉴;海运船舶劈波斩浪,经贸往讲和往,书写合营共赢时期篇章。而这个春天,在东京举办的2024“孔子梓乡—好客山东 好品山东”推介会,则是皆鲁地面的至心之举,是一场汜博的文旅邀约。

  “The green mountains are sharing the same cloud and rain, yet the bright moon shall not deter us from enjoying the same silver light.“ Separated by the sea, Shandong Province and Japan are close neighbors. From Mt. Tai to Mt. Fuji, across the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, exchanges and mutual learning between two oriental civilizations have been deepened over thousands of years. Cargo ships have ploughed through the waves, provoking frequent economic and trade exchanges, a splendid chapter of win-win cooperation has been written. And in this spring, the Tourism Promotion Meeting 2024 of the “Hometown of Confucius - Friendly Shandong &Remarkable Shandong“ held in Tokyo, is a sincere gesture of the Qilu land, as well as a grand invitation.



  In the land of Qilu, a high-quality cultural and tourism feast is about to be served, waiting for the tourists. Mountain and sea trip makes people relaxed and happy. When you get on the top of Mount Tai and wait for the sunrise, you'll witness the magnificence of the “top of the Five Sacred Mountains“. While you get to Penglai Pavilion and admire the view of the sea, you’ll experience the vastness and breadth of oceanmeltingintothesky. Shandong culinary tour brings lingering aftertaste. There's bold style of pancakes and scallions, and the elegant and exquisite style of Confucian Cuisine as well. Through every bite of Shandong Cuisine, you can feel the locals'ultimate pursuit of food. The celebrity tour is a retrospective look at history. Philosophers Confucius and Mencius, militarists Sun Zi and Zhu Geliang, calligraphers Wang Xizhi and Yan Zhenqing, and other historical celebrities were born in this province. The cultural tour is a baptism of the soul. You can walk into the Confucius Temple, Mansion and Cemetery in Qufu and listen to the echoes of Confucianism, while the museums with their own distinctive features are modernized to show the elegance of the ancient Shandong in various fields such as calligraphy skills, Buddhist statues and Cuju culture.



  In the land of Qilu, a marvelous world where modern intellectually manufacture and traditional craftsmanship coexist is waiting to be explored. High-speed magnetic levitation train, GoerTek's all-in-one binocular AR smart glasses, WEGO's surgical robots designed to imitate human wrists, all of these are cases of the intellectually manufacture in Shandong which show its strength and innovation to the world. Time-honored brands such as Dong-E E-Jiao, Tsingtao Beer and Dezhou Braised Chicken gain high praise. Shandong also has high-quality agricultural products popular in overseas markets, Laiyang pears, Yantai apples, Shouguang vegetables, each of which is a gift of nature and the result of the hard work of Shandong farmers. In addition, Shandong's handmade products are also treasures not to be ignored. Yantai paper-cutting, Weifang kites, and Luban's Burr Puzzle are all works of ingenuity craftsmanship that have been passed down for thousands of years. Whether in the field of great power heavy equipment or local specialty, Remarkable Shandong is going viral.


  “Nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can separate people with shared goals and vision.“ Even thousands of miles apart, warmth and sincerity can make people neighbors. In this gorgeous spring, with an open attitude, Friendly Shandong is inviting the world to experience the abundance of good products, the beauty of the mountains and the seas, the fragrance of food and the depth of culture.

  (人人日报·人人新闻客户端记者 杨庭栋 绸缪 唐浩鑫 视频 杨庭栋 案牍、配音 武玮佳)
